I have watched Westerns all my life. My father really liked them, and so I watched a lot of TV shows and movies about the settling of the western part of the US. Something that strikes me about these old shows is that usually one of the first things the new marshall or new sherrif does when they take office in a "wild" town involves guns. They don't give all the upstanding citizens guns and tell them to defend themselves. They don't go on a "war against crime". They make a law that no one in the town can be carrying a gun. They check the guns at the door, so to speak. The people who don't choose to cooperate are locked up, and their guns taken from them. The lack of guns is what establishes the beginnings of a town where people can walk the streets in peace.
So as our population moved westward, the towns began, and as decent, civilized people moved into them, the guns disappeared. Gunfights were discouraged, the rule of law established, and those who wanted to take the law into their own hands were arrested. I am not talking about having a gun in your own home for self-defense, foolish as I think that may be. I am not talking about England, where the police don't generally carry guns. I am talking about walking around with a six-shooter strapped to your leg or an AK-47 slung across your back. Those are things I expect to see in countries where there is constant warfare, or in the uncivilized west, or in the movies. To see it at Presidential events, at Town Hall Meetings held by Congressmen for their constituents, gives me the impression that there are those in this country who want to return not to the ideals of our founding fathers, but to the reckless behavior of the men who thought to take the west for themselves, with no thought for the civilized settlers who had just as much right to live on those lands. It gives me the impression that there are those in our country who want to return to those wild west days, with no civilization or law enforcement. And that is truly frightening.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
New car

Wow, I have been slack. There have been a lot of stressful moments since I last wrote. On August 8, my truck transmission conked out on me (or it may be the clutch, either way it's stuck in fourth gear). I got home okay, but it won't be traveling under its own steam for a while. So I resumed driving my Sunbird, but it kept running hot, and I kept having to add water every time I drove. Finally it was nearly pouring water out as I poured it in, so I took it to the mechanic. In the meantime, of course, I had been looking at cars. But I didn't think I could get financing and I didn't have enough cash to buy anything even semi-decent, so I was hoping to fix the little car. My mechanic changed a hose, but discovered the water pump was leaking, so I was to bring it back the next day for that (he didn't have time to get to it that day). Well, the next day it ran hot on the way to work, even though it had plenty of water, and I had it towed to the mechanic after I got to my job. He called me, way too soon for the water pump to be replaced, and gave me the bad news. Head gasket at least, but most likely a cracked head. Well, that did it. I love that little car, but I couldn't justify $1200-$1500 when it had other problems, such as a leaky manifold and a mysterious oil leak. So I bit the bullet and started serious car shopping.
After trying to buy a 2001 Taurus (too old for financing, great shape, low mileage but overpriced), a 2003 Focus (again, too old for financing, but great shape, low mileage and great price) and a 2005 Taurus (got financing, but dealer sold car before financing was approved, it was at the other dealership owned by same people), here is my result. A deep red, 2006 Mustang (not a GT, though). Since everything fell into place for me to buy this particular car and not the others, I figure it was meant to be my car. And I so love it! The interest rate is ridiculously high (not a long credit history, I haven't bought anything big on credit besides my house for 30 years), but hopefully I can get it refinanced after a year or so, and hopefully can sell some trees from the farm to help pay it off. It gets about 20 miles to the gallon just driving to work and around, don't know yet on the highway. It's clean, one owner, 36000 or so miles, great shape, with a 100,000 mile warranty on the engine and drive train. I am thrilled.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
It's been a while
It's been a long while since I made any entries here. I have been computer-challenged, and even though I have had a lot to say it hasn't made it's way to the keyboard.
I have been re-connecting with people from high school and college on facebook quite a bit. It's been fun. Memories and regrets, all mingle to make the reconnections important. We all choose paths when we are young that we can't retrace, and which take us places we might never have wanted to see. My life seems to have been more convoluted than some. Many of my friends have married (and stayed married), had children, stayed close to home with lifelong careers. Others have traveled far away. Some are divorced, some never married and some married more than once. The people from my past exhibit the entire spectrum of the lives of everyone else in the world.
We don't carry the same memories of each other, not surprisingly. Some things that I had forgotten have been recalled to me by friends. People I didn't think noticed me that much remember me with fondness, and saw things I about me that I didn't realize were there, and for that I am grateful. It is a wonderful thing, this reconnection, and I hope to continue doing it! I hope I can do as much for these friends as they have done for me.
I have been re-connecting with people from high school and college on facebook quite a bit. It's been fun. Memories and regrets, all mingle to make the reconnections important. We all choose paths when we are young that we can't retrace, and which take us places we might never have wanted to see. My life seems to have been more convoluted than some. Many of my friends have married (and stayed married), had children, stayed close to home with lifelong careers. Others have traveled far away. Some are divorced, some never married and some married more than once. The people from my past exhibit the entire spectrum of the lives of everyone else in the world.
We don't carry the same memories of each other, not surprisingly. Some things that I had forgotten have been recalled to me by friends. People I didn't think noticed me that much remember me with fondness, and saw things I about me that I didn't realize were there, and for that I am grateful. It is a wonderful thing, this reconnection, and I hope to continue doing it! I hope I can do as much for these friends as they have done for me.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Rambling thoughts
The weather is warm, which is nice. It was so very cold last week, amazing how quickly it got warm. Steven and I washed the car and truck yesterday, and my car is so clean, it looks wonderful (well, the outside, the inside needs some work!) It is usually hard to get him to help with things, but he enjoyed washing the car, so that was a plus.
I am being encouraged by an old friend to write a book. Not the first time it's been suggested, but now I am seriously considering it. I write mainly essay type stuff, like this blog, so I am thinking of something like David Sedaris, although I am nowhere near as funny as he. I have to ponder this bit longer.
I have resolved, or at least postponed, the current issue with the neighbor who hates me. The house needs work and he is a complainer, so he calls the city, which has the power to write tickets and charge me fines. The solution for now was to get a building permit for repairs, and now I can proceed to buy material and paint and start work. But the building permit is good for six months (actually, I have six months to get started, nothing about how long I have to finish) so I have time to do it as I can afford it, I hope.
Last week was my brother's birthday. He would be 50 this year, if he hadn't died at 15. One of his old girlfriends is now a friend on Facebook, and I was very touched that she remembered him. He has been gone such a long time now, but I miss him still. And Daddy. And Tracey, every day.
I don't have enough to do at work, and it is frustrating. I have some things on my desk to deal with tomorrow, which is good. I am not sure what I would do without my work, probably go home to my mother. She has more than one house, so we wouldn't have to live together (we might scream at each other a lot). I am nearly always at peace there, so that might be nice. But that's because I don't have to deal with cranky neighbors and it is basically vacation. If I were there all the time I might not like it at all!
I love watching Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. He is actually a good interviewer, and will invite anyone on the show. He is funny and serious at the same time, which is very useful in diffusing any potential acrimony, and also disarms his more conservative guests. Colbert is great, too, but in a different way, because no matter who he interviews he maintains his faux Bill O'Reilly character, and those who get it are hilarious and the ones who don't are not sure what to say, which is in its own way hilarious too.
I have craft stuff everywhere, and really need to get organized. It's hard to get anything done when you have to spend time looking for things. The PTO at Steven's school is having a yard sale in a couple of weeks so I hope to get some stuff together to give to that, although I don't usually have anything that I don't want to keep!
Back to my mother, she likes to go places, and it is hard to know where she is at any given moment. She has a cell phone but only turns it on when she wants to make a call, so if she isn't at home, forget it. She is going to be spending time in a house with no phone, so I hope she starts keeping it turned on when she's there anyway.
I need to go to bed, I suppose, so enough of this. Good night.
I am being encouraged by an old friend to write a book. Not the first time it's been suggested, but now I am seriously considering it. I write mainly essay type stuff, like this blog, so I am thinking of something like David Sedaris, although I am nowhere near as funny as he. I have to ponder this bit longer.
I have resolved, or at least postponed, the current issue with the neighbor who hates me. The house needs work and he is a complainer, so he calls the city, which has the power to write tickets and charge me fines. The solution for now was to get a building permit for repairs, and now I can proceed to buy material and paint and start work. But the building permit is good for six months (actually, I have six months to get started, nothing about how long I have to finish) so I have time to do it as I can afford it, I hope.
Last week was my brother's birthday. He would be 50 this year, if he hadn't died at 15. One of his old girlfriends is now a friend on Facebook, and I was very touched that she remembered him. He has been gone such a long time now, but I miss him still. And Daddy. And Tracey, every day.
I don't have enough to do at work, and it is frustrating. I have some things on my desk to deal with tomorrow, which is good. I am not sure what I would do without my work, probably go home to my mother. She has more than one house, so we wouldn't have to live together (we might scream at each other a lot). I am nearly always at peace there, so that might be nice. But that's because I don't have to deal with cranky neighbors and it is basically vacation. If I were there all the time I might not like it at all!
I love watching Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. He is actually a good interviewer, and will invite anyone on the show. He is funny and serious at the same time, which is very useful in diffusing any potential acrimony, and also disarms his more conservative guests. Colbert is great, too, but in a different way, because no matter who he interviews he maintains his faux Bill O'Reilly character, and those who get it are hilarious and the ones who don't are not sure what to say, which is in its own way hilarious too.
I have craft stuff everywhere, and really need to get organized. It's hard to get anything done when you have to spend time looking for things. The PTO at Steven's school is having a yard sale in a couple of weeks so I hope to get some stuff together to give to that, although I don't usually have anything that I don't want to keep!
Back to my mother, she likes to go places, and it is hard to know where she is at any given moment. She has a cell phone but only turns it on when she wants to make a call, so if she isn't at home, forget it. She is going to be spending time in a house with no phone, so I hope she starts keeping it turned on when she's there anyway.
I need to go to bed, I suppose, so enough of this. Good night.
brother. rambling,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
My chair
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Time and musings
Wow, I hadn't realized it had been so long since I wrote here. I write my weekly (well, semi-weekly now) email for Drinking Liberally Charleston and have started administering a group for that on Facebook (where I can also be found). Then there is just life, catching up to me. My grandson Adam is having difficulties. I hate it, because I feel he has not been dealt a very good hand in life. That's trite sounding, but his father committed suicide when Adam was not quite 4, then we found out six months later that he has Type I diabetes, and on top of those things he has ADHD and suffers from depression. He may be bi-polar, too, but I don't know. He has difficulty getting along with his stepfather, and I can see both sides of that. Adam is a challenging child, but full of love and needing a lot of it. He is much like his father, and I have been trying to spend more time with him. I wish-I hope-he gets through all this.
I have been looking for and finding old friends, too. In a way I guess I am trying to make amends, or get things right that I didn't the first time. I feel that I haven't been a good friend to people; I let them go easily when I move forward, and that isn't a good thing. As I get older I miss spending time with other people, although I am the type of person who could become a hermit without much effort. But even though I am confortable going to movies or to eat alone, and reading books without discussions to follow, it would be nice sometimes to share those interests. And since I don't think I get to have a second life, maybe should make more of an effort. Unfortunately these old friends are usually far away. So I guess I should be trying to spend more time with local friends!
I took my first train ride and went to my first college bowl game this year. I loved the train, and want to take more trips, it was so relaxing. I think my son and I should take an actual vacation this year; we haven't done that for years, and he will be grown before I know it. I have to save for some house repairs, and a car, but I hope we can swing at least a long weekend trip somewhere besides my mother's house.
I like to do crafts, and have recently redone a chair. I sew, paint stuff, knit a little, crochet a little, various things. I have some lawn furniture that was my grandmothers' and plan to paint it this week, having finally found the color paint I want for it. I'd probably get more done if I didn't spend time on the computer! I only do a little bit of several things, not a lot of anything, so I don't get expert at anything! Oh, and I love to take pictures; my mom got a digital camera for me for 2007 Christmas and I love it! I take pictures everywhere I go. I love movies, especially old ones, TCM being my favorite all time television network, and new drama series, like Leverage and The Closer and Burn Notice.
Okay, now this is starting to sound like a personal ad, time to knock it off for the night. If you've read this far, sleep well.
I have been looking for and finding old friends, too. In a way I guess I am trying to make amends, or get things right that I didn't the first time. I feel that I haven't been a good friend to people; I let them go easily when I move forward, and that isn't a good thing. As I get older I miss spending time with other people, although I am the type of person who could become a hermit without much effort. But even though I am confortable going to movies or to eat alone, and reading books without discussions to follow, it would be nice sometimes to share those interests. And since I don't think I get to have a second life, maybe should make more of an effort. Unfortunately these old friends are usually far away. So I guess I should be trying to spend more time with local friends!
I took my first train ride and went to my first college bowl game this year. I loved the train, and want to take more trips, it was so relaxing. I think my son and I should take an actual vacation this year; we haven't done that for years, and he will be grown before I know it. I have to save for some house repairs, and a car, but I hope we can swing at least a long weekend trip somewhere besides my mother's house.
I like to do crafts, and have recently redone a chair. I sew, paint stuff, knit a little, crochet a little, various things. I have some lawn furniture that was my grandmothers' and plan to paint it this week, having finally found the color paint I want for it. I'd probably get more done if I didn't spend time on the computer! I only do a little bit of several things, not a lot of anything, so I don't get expert at anything! Oh, and I love to take pictures; my mom got a digital camera for me for 2007 Christmas and I love it! I take pictures everywhere I go. I love movies, especially old ones, TCM being my favorite all time television network, and new drama series, like Leverage and The Closer and Burn Notice.
Okay, now this is starting to sound like a personal ad, time to knock it off for the night. If you've read this far, sleep well.
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