Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's been a while

It's been a long while since I made any entries here. I have been computer-challenged, and even though I have had a lot to say it hasn't made it's way to the keyboard.
I have been re-connecting with people from high school and college on facebook quite a bit. It's been fun. Memories and regrets, all mingle to make the reconnections important. We all choose paths when we are young that we can't retrace, and which take us places we might never have wanted to see. My life seems to have been more convoluted than some. Many of my friends have married (and stayed married), had children, stayed close to home with lifelong careers. Others have traveled far away. Some are divorced, some never married and some married more than once. The people from my past exhibit the entire spectrum of the lives of everyone else in the world.

We don't carry the same memories of each other, not surprisingly. Some things that I had forgotten have been recalled to me by friends. People I didn't think noticed me that much remember me with fondness, and saw things I about me that I didn't realize were there, and for that I am grateful. It is a wonderful thing, this reconnection, and I hope to continue doing it! I hope I can do as much for these friends as they have done for me.