Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Recent shootings

I couldn't link to all of them if I wanted, but it seems that lately there is a shooting almost every day somewhere. And almost all of them are with legally obtained weapons. We even had a deputy solicitor here in Charleston who pulled a gun on a fellow driver (pointing at her while they were driving). He lost his job and his law license has been suspended.
But one thing I would like to point out. Every time one of these shootings happens, at Wendy's or a school or wherever, someone who is opposed to any type of gun control makes the observation that one armed person could stop the attack. Well, I differ. Especially since most of these people kill themselves, after a few minutes of shooting. I doubt any of them would be deterred by the thought or even the knowledge that someone in the room could have a gun and shoot them. These shootings are not the argument for less gun control that the "let everyone have a gun" crowd would like us to believe.

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