Saturday, December 15, 2007

We are the world

I watched this video yet again, and I am moved by it all over again. None of the people who worked on this song were or are perfect. Michael Jackson, for one, if not a pedophile is just flat out weird. But they did this one really good thing, to help people less fortunate than themselves. They didn't get paid, as I recall. They volunteered their time, their talents, their hearts, to raise money for children in Africa.

I don't think everything is a liberal/conservative thing. I think there are a lot of people who consider themselves conservatives who give liberally of their time, their money and their prayers for others. They vote for Republicans because the Republican party has a lot of leaders who are very good dissemblers. The leaders convince these voters that they share their concerns about high taxes, about abortion, about "Christian values". Maybe some do. But I think more of them are concerned with power, with running things the way that will benefit themselves and those like them--and if you think Joe the farmer in overalls is someone who even registers in the mind of someone like Mitt Romney or Rudy Giuliani or almost any other Republican candidate as his equal, I can sell you a bridge...

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