Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year

Well, it is near the end of the old year. I am trying to change, to not be in constant mourning for things I cannot change. I have tried to become a better person, to improve myself and get out in the world more. Most of all I have tried not to live in the past. But at this time of year it is hard not to feel a certain melancholy for lost family and friends. I miss my son, my father, my stepson, my grandparents. I think about old friends who have been missing from my life for a long time. I recently made a facebook page, and the first friend I added was a man I went to high school with. He still is friends, and I mean active friends, with people he knew in school. I am in contact with a couple of people from my past, but as for seeing or talking to them, or hanging out with them, that doesn't happen. Distance has a part in that, but more it is the nature of me to let things slide, to not reach out to people. It is a flaw; I need to change that, be more friendly with my friends. That will be my New Year's Resolution.

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