Thursday, January 17, 2008

$7 Million on January 18 for John Edwards


Click the Edwards for President link on my page and donate, we want to raise $7 million in one day for the Edwards campaign!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Grassroots for Edwards

Edwards supporters need to check out and, you will find encouraging diaries there, to help you make your points with your friends. We need to do what in my childhood church was called holding each other up in prayer, whether you call it prayer or good thoughts or encouraging words. We need to tell each other about the good we find, the positive coverage we find, and as one commenter on CrooksandLiars said, we have to be the media for John because the mainstream media isn't going to do it. He is a true grassroots candidate now, because the corporations that run this country don't want people to hear his message. And the other two campaigns make calls and send out canvassers giving the impression that there are only candidates and that neither of them is John Edwards . Speak out! Write blogs, diaries, bulletins, post videos and comments on , go to sites like dailykos, crooksandliars, , ,, , any others you can find or know of and spread the word among like minded people that the Edwards campaign is neither dead nor dying. Give what money you can at We have to do whatever it takes to get out the word. Go Edwards, our best hope for the future 2008!

Glucose for a diabetic?

If you are a diabetic and need an iv to get your meds, don't you think the staff should pay attention to what the medium is? And how long should your blood sugar readings be out of whack before someone realizes that there is glucose in your iv bag?
And if you were in the right hospital, and not the insurance company's choice of hospital, maybe this would have been a non-issue.
It is past time for this to all change. Let there be a single payer system,, so that nurses can nurses, doctors can doctor, and people can get the proper care.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New links

I am adding a couple of links to my page, and I wanted to post a message here to make you all aware of them.
John Edwards gets much less media coverage than the other candidates. It is absurd that he came in second in Iowa, beating Hillary Clinton, and the story on all the networks was still Obama/Clinton. So we need to let the networks know that their job is not to decide, but to report. (Unlike Fox, which although their motto is "we report, you decide", reports in such a way as to make the decision for you). So I have linked to, a fellow blogspot poster.
Also, for people who have decided to vote for Edwards and for people who haven't, there is, also a blogspot post, with comments to read and post.
Enjoy, but remember to vote in the primary for your state!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

John Edwards - You can't

FOX ATTACKS! Obama Staffer

Fox non-news, where anchors introduce stories about flooding with laughter and hosts assault Presidential candidates staffers--who can believe anything "reported" on that network?

Friday, January 4, 2008

Another health care story

I wrote about my attorney with the back problem before. Today he got the okay for his back surgery, his diabetes is controlled enough for him to get the surgery. So now there is the issue of what hospital the insurance company will allow him to use (he can use any hospital he wants, obviously, as many will point out, but if he wants the insurance that he pays premiums on to pay, he has to let it choose). He was on hold for a nurse for about 20 minutes; then she said, no, the hospital your orthopaedist (who is in their "network" by the way) wants to use is not "preferred". So now he has to go to a hospital that isn't the one his doctor prefers, but the one the insurance company prefers.
When people criticize single payer universal health care they always want to say, "you won't be able to choose your doctor or hospital". Well, who has chosen my boss's doctor and hospital? Not the patient, not even the doctor, but the insurance company. When did they get to make these decisions for patients they haven't ever seen?
This has to change.


John Edwards came in second in the Iowa caucuses. That may sound bad, but I am so very excited, because he came in ahead of Hillary. He didn't come out incredibly far ahead of her, but it is still good. Yet the mainstream media is STILL talking as if it were an Obama/Hillary race, as if JRE isn't even part of the race, to a certain extent. I am so tired of that. He has spent much less than Clinton or Obama, and I hope people in New Hampshire listen to what he has to say. He has plans for everything, he has ideas to change the country. And i don't really want to hear this bipartisanship stuff, I am sick and tired of the majority of the Republicans in Congress who do nothing but block any progressive. It is time for change, for real progressive ideas to be executed,and by electing John Edwards as President, and maybe Obama as VP, and having a real majority in Congress, as I hope we will when all is said and done, we can get there.