Friday, January 4, 2008


John Edwards came in second in the Iowa caucuses. That may sound bad, but I am so very excited, because he came in ahead of Hillary. He didn't come out incredibly far ahead of her, but it is still good. Yet the mainstream media is STILL talking as if it were an Obama/Hillary race, as if JRE isn't even part of the race, to a certain extent. I am so tired of that. He has spent much less than Clinton or Obama, and I hope people in New Hampshire listen to what he has to say. He has plans for everything, he has ideas to change the country. And i don't really want to hear this bipartisanship stuff, I am sick and tired of the majority of the Republicans in Congress who do nothing but block any progressive. It is time for change, for real progressive ideas to be executed,and by electing John Edwards as President, and maybe Obama as VP, and having a real majority in Congress, as I hope we will when all is said and done, we can get there.

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