Saturday, January 12, 2008

Grassroots for Edwards

Edwards supporters need to check out and, you will find encouraging diaries there, to help you make your points with your friends. We need to do what in my childhood church was called holding each other up in prayer, whether you call it prayer or good thoughts or encouraging words. We need to tell each other about the good we find, the positive coverage we find, and as one commenter on CrooksandLiars said, we have to be the media for John because the mainstream media isn't going to do it. He is a true grassroots candidate now, because the corporations that run this country don't want people to hear his message. And the other two campaigns make calls and send out canvassers giving the impression that there are only candidates and that neither of them is John Edwards . Speak out! Write blogs, diaries, bulletins, post videos and comments on , go to sites like dailykos, crooksandliars, , ,, , any others you can find or know of and spread the word among like minded people that the Edwards campaign is neither dead nor dying. Give what money you can at We have to do whatever it takes to get out the word. Go Edwards, our best hope for the future 2008!

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