Thursday, October 25, 2007

And another thing

I met a lawyer the other night who is fairly new in town, and so he takes all kinds of cases at this point. One aspect of his practice is to go after insurance companies for patient claims. So instead of using hospital resources to treat patients, the hospital is paying an attorney to make insurance companies (the profiteers) pay claims for their customers, the patients. How ridiculous is that? He, being left leaning himself, says he would be happy if he could vote himself out of that particular aspect of his practice.
So, if we went to universal health care, we could eliminate having this aspect of lawyers' practices, not to mention accountants, insurance clerks, claims adjusters, and half of most medical staffs. Wow. And if we didn't have to pay all those people, plus profits for the insurance company, how much less would health care cost? As a percentage of our GDP?

Read The Rainmaker, John Grisham. Fiction, yes, but if you think it doesn't happen you are fooling yourself.

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