Saturday, October 20, 2007

First post

Okay, so I have decided to start blogging. I read a lot of stuff, political and otherwise, and always have things I want to say. My co workers are too busy to listen to my rantings, and I am too busy to rant at work, so I am putting them out on the web. If nothing else, it will get my thoughts out of my head and into the world.
First, the title of my blog. This is my mantra lately. Our country has been abused and misused and treated like a private bank for those with the secret password. It has been going on for too long, and it is time it changed. We, the everyday people, can change it, so people who are not registered to vote need to register, and everyone needs to PAY ATTENTION. Read blogs, left and right, read the newspaper, watch cnn, msnbc and even foxnews, but sift it all and see how it matches and how it fits with your own ideas and observations. Don't depend on any single source for your information, get it from everywhere.
I will admit I lean so far left it is a wonder I don't fall over. If you don't, then that is fine, I still want you to be involved. Of course I have a candidate already picked out, but look at every one for yourself. I'll share my choice, and why, in another post.
Enough for a beginning. I hope someone reads this, I hope someone enjoys it.

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